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简介:<p>  Atlanta, 1873. It&#39;s another day (Melanie&#39;s funeral, in fact), and Scarlett is determined to win back Rhett (who&#39;s spending a lot of time with Belle Watling). First, she goes to Tara and spats with Sue Ellen over Tara. Then she goes to Charleston, presenting herself to Rhett&#39;s mother and friends, to Rhett&#39;s dismay. But when she&#39;s caught in a compromising position with Ashely, she retires to her mother&#39;s people in Savannah, and her overbearing grandfather Robelard, while Rhett courts a new bride. Scarlett also seeks out her O&#39;Hara relatives and meets her cousin Colum, a priest (and gunrunner). And knowing them, she goes to Ireland. There she meets the handsome Earl of Fenton, who owns Ballyhara, the ancestral home of the O&#39;Haras. And when Scarlett buys it from him, she becomes the financial and spiritual head of the family. But her newfound happiness is short-lived as disasters strike, and she must rely on Rhett&#39;s love for her to save her from the gallows.</p>…


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